Into the Barn

Nov 18, 2021

Wolf Game v1 Launch

10,000 Gen 0 Wolves and Sheep were minted with ETH. Players could stake their Wolves and Sheep in the Barn to accumulate WOOL: shearing a Sheep required paying a WOOL tax to the Wolves.

With WOOL, players minted the 3,809 Gen 1 Wolves and Sheep. Each of these Gen 1 animals had a 10% chance of being stolen by one of the Wolves.

Risky Game

Upon leaving the Barn, the Sheep were approached by the Wolves with an offer to play a game for WOOL.

Those who chose the Yes Risk option had a 50% chance of winning a large WOOL Pouch; those who chose the No Risk option had a 100% chance of winning a small WOOL Pouch.

Dec 6, 2021

Jan 18, 2022

Alpha Game

(In progress)

Originally called “Interim Game”, the 14 Alpha Wolves in the game lead Packs of staked Wolves and Sheep in the quest for WOOL: the Alphas each set out to Attack opposing Packs, while Fortifying their own.

The better their planning, strategy, and execution, the more WOOL they and their Pack will win along the way.

Farmer Reveal

Shep announced the start of Farmer reveal, and for 72 hours players could decide themselves when to reveal their farmers. The interactive experience included watching an animated video of Shep pulling back the curtain to reveal which of the 11,738 unique farmers was yours. Adding to the list of innovations, each Farmer NFT included multiple poses of your farmer to download or switch between on OpenSea. At the end of the 72 hours, all Farmers were automatically revealed.

June 5, 2022

Wolf Game: "Full Game"

Full Game is currently in development and is on track to launch in Q4 2022. Lots of alpha has already been dropped, and we know land, farmers and breeding are will be introduced. I just think Wolf Game will be better than what any of us can conceive, tbh.

Q1/Q2 2022

2022 & Beyond

The Future

The Shepherd and team have already committed to have their WOOL unlock over the next 4 years. They’ve been playing chess since day 1, do you really think they don’t have a plan for 2026? The future on the farm looks bright!